What would change if you…
· Had a more Persuasive Presence?
· Communicated with Confidence & Clarity?
· Nurtured your Network?
What’s your professional brand-shape?
What is the image that lights up in the minds of people you work with when they hear your name?
In other words, what do others perceive, think, believe and remember about you? Can you control those things? And if so, what would you have them say?
Whether you are conscious of it or not, everything you do or say contributes enhances or detracts from your brand. Why not consciously brand yourself before others can brand you?
This program gives you the power to shape your own reputation in ways that are strategic to your career and life goals and congruent with who you are as a professional.
BTD works with attendees on their personal and virtual interactions, their verbal and non-verbal messaging, their reputation and goal management, and important elements including self-awareness, accountability, attitude, focus and even leadership.
We focus on the following aspects:
· Physical Presence (presentations, online and in-person meetings, dress, verbal and non-verbal communication, your work);
· Interpersonal Presence (dealing with conflict and stressful situations);
· Intrapersonal Presence (dealing with negative self-talk, mind-set and how we show up to ourselves)
· Virtual Presence (email, telephone, texting, online meetings, social media);
· Social Skills and Exposure (networking to communicate one’s brand and creating meaningful relationships).
A highly interactive program incorporating a set of real, practical, easily implemented techniques for
· Taking a strategic approach to personal branding
· Walking into any room with absolute confidence
· Dealing with conflict and stressful situations
· Creating a team culture of ownership
· Effective communication skills (verbal and non-verbal)
· Mastering virtual presence (via email, telephone, online meetings & social media)
· Creating value-based relationships through networking
· Conducting yourself and your work in an intentional and thoughtful manner
· Engaging in conversations that are purposeful
· Using active listening techniques
· Be a powerful brand ambassador for the company by aligning values and behaviours
· Understand what enhances your presence and what inadvertently sabotages you
· How to unleash our personal presence in the workplace and beyond
Programme activities include the following:
· Defining the brand that you want to be associated with
· Identifying the experiences you’re providing to reinforce your “brand”
· Identifying the strengths and qualities that distinguish you from others
· Gaining valuable insight into how others perceive you
· Communicating the impact of personal behaviour on team members
· Learning to decrease interpersonal conflict
· Finding opportunities for maximum brand exposure
· Developing your own strategic customised Personal Branding Plan
· How to manage and frame what you say so that what you say lands effectively
· Learning to listen effectively
· How to make your voice heard
· Get comfortable to move beyond your comfort zone
· How to translate the business unit and corporate values into daily behaviour to live the brand