Future Self Mastery: Benjamin Hardy's Wisdom in 6 Powerful Quotes.

Are you the same person you were five years ago? Definitely not.

The question is, did you decide that you wanted to be the version of you right now who is reading this article, or did you find your way here through life's circumstances and defaults?

For most of us, it's the latter.

What if you could design your ideal future self five years from now and be intentionally part of the creation process rather than allowing life's circumstances to direct you haphazardly?

The good news is that you can do exactly that.

Here are six inspiring quotes from the author of Be Your Future Self Now, Benjamin Hardy, to offer you a new way to think about your future self:

"Your future self is the most important person in your life. Every decision you make today is for your future self."

If your vision of your future self is someone who speaks to groups of people as part of their work and current you is spinning yourself a story that you're an introvert and bad with public speaking, then you are going to hit a roadblock.

If you can be authentic to future you instead of listening to current you's fears, then you will begin to set them up for success. It means you need to actively put yourself out there to be seen and speak even if it's uncomfortable now.

If you can focus on who you are becoming and make decisions in their best interest, you will start to direct your life very differently. It's easy to get caught up in the moment of insecurity, but if you can make your future self your best friend, you will find your courage and default to the harder choice in the short term to create easy choices in the long term.

"Your current self is the product of your past decisions. Your future self will be the product of your present decisions."

We tend to think of our future self as something that's coming later. The reality is your future self is being created by every decision you make today.

The decision to hit snooze or go for the run, to scroll for another hour or get an earlier night so you can feel refreshed to make better choices in the morning.

It all counts now.

You don't have to make every decision perfect, and you're allowed to have a few off days. To set yourself up for success in the future, view each day as a micro choice.

Instead of ditching the whole day because you missed the run, make sure the next choice is dedicated to future you, even if it's the decision to return the phone call you have been dreading or make the appointment you have been avoiding. If you can let go of instant gratification, it will all yield huge returns.

"The only way to make your present better is to make your future bigger".

Having a compelling future vision is not just about visualisation and living in your imagination; it's the foundation for a meaningful present. People who feel stuck or that they have lost their way is a result of losing a compelling future vision.

Having a vision provides hope and motivation because it gives you permission to make different choices and gives you ownership over your life and the decisions you make.

Imagine getting into your car to drive, but you aren't sure where to go, so you look to Waze for some clarity and direction. You have the starting point, but without having a defined end destination, Waze will wait patiently until you give it an answer so it can create a route. Without clarity, you default to randomness.

Even if you put in an end destination, you can still change your mind or find a more efficient route to get there. Nothing is permanent, but having a bigger future will always yield a bigger present.

"You don't have to earn your future self. You only have to be willing to let go of who you are to become who you can be."

James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, says that true behaviour change is identity change. I have coached many people who aspire to move into consulting roles, new careers, or even become speakers and thought leaders.

Whatever the change is for you, begin by embracing a new identity. This does not mean changing who you are but being able to call yourself a consultant, a designer, a speaker, a thought leader, or a coach.

Having a future vision and identity means your actions need to come into congruence and alignment. If you want to be a thought leader, show up to write and post articles. If you want to be the best salesperson on the team, show up to make the calls, see the clients, and have those bold conversations.

Whatever happened in your past are accumulated lessons. It is not who you are today if you choose to use it for your growth and not get caught up in the story and the old identity.

Creating your future self is less about adding and more about letting go.

"Your time is the clearest indicator of your commitment. You can't hide how you spend your time."

In the book The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, the authors state, "Commitment is a statement of what 'is'. You can know what you're committed to by your results, not by what you say your commitments are. We are all committed. We are all producing results. The result is proof of a commitment."

How you schedule your day is how you spend your life. If I looked at your calendar, would I get a sense of what's important, what skills you are building, and where your self-care activities are? Or is your calendar a flood of online meetings, and you run your day by your inbox and other people's urgencies?

Are you committed to staying comfortable as your current self, or are you committed to creating and aligning your actions with your future self?

Does your calendar reflect your current self or your future self?

"It's your responsibility to set your future self up for as much opportunity, success, and joy as possible."

How do you set your future self up for success? First, create clarity on who they are and what brings them joy.

In other words, what brings you joy? If I gave you a day off without work or family responsibilities, what would you do?

If it's writing, then what are you doing today, this week or this month to build your skills or work on your craft?

If you want your future self in December 2024 to feel more content, grateful and energised, what are you doing about it today?

Your long-term future self may want more flexibility or more autonomy in their role. What are you doing to create this for yourself? What conversations do you need to start having to make this a reality?

You may need a new skill set to elevate yourself or start a new role. Every decision you make today brings you one step closer to investing in your future self or costing your future self joy and happiness.

What can you start, stop or continue doing to set your future self up for success – in whatever form that may take for you?

Now, schedule it into the calendar and show up to it with the same level of commitment as you would anyone else in your calendar.

Final thoughts.

Your future self is a filter to make your present-day decisions.

Having a future self means you no longer need to rely on motivation or willpower to push you because your future self is pulling you.

You may not feel like going for the run, but you know your future self is smiling and so proud of the decision you made.

You no longer need to delay progress on your goals to please others because the only person you need to please is your future self.

Use this as a benchmark for what to say yes to and, more importantly, what to say no to.

Here’s the journey to becoming your future self,

Warm wishes


Lori Milner