Posts tagged featured

“The brand sessions from 'Beyond the Dress took us through a journey of self-discovery as a team and enabled us to have honest and critical conversations. It enabled our team to critically look at how we perceived ourselves and how we wanted others to see us. The sessions were both informative, insightful and thought provoking. Lori's facilitation style was conversational, questioning and allowed us time to reflect on issues and factors that influenced our learning. She was able to touch our hearts and create a learning environment through questioning and coaching processes. The Friday newsletter has also become a welcome reminder of lessons learnt and an opportunity to unpack concepts further”

Lindi Monyae, Executive: Emerging Consumer Market – Liberty

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Taryn Townsendfeatured
Abbott Nutrition

“Thank you so much for the excellent presentation that you did for our team. I think too often people do not think of the value and importance of their personal branding. We work so diligently on our product/ company brands, investing significant time, effort and funds into them and yet all too often we forget about ourselves. People are the most important assets of any organisation and individual branding is so important.

The team really enjoyed your insights into this thought provoking topic and really enjoyed the investment in themselves. Personal branding is so much more that your appearance, physical presence & communication. It was interesting working on our personal value propositions.

I know the team really benefited from the time that we spent together and enjoyed taking the time to understand themselves a little better. Thank you so much, it was fun, interactive and enlightening.”

Angela Russell – General Manager, Abbott Nutrition

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Lori Milnerfeatured